RML Specialty Hospital

RML Specialty Hospital

  RML Specialty Hospital The Challenge The marketing challenge for RML Specialty Hospital is that most people will never have to make a decision to choose a Long-Term Acute Care Hospital (LTCH). And those who do need to choose an LTCH don’t know their options or...
Greater Family Health

Greater Family Health

Greater Family Health Rebrand:  Naming, Identity, Positioning, Messaging & Creative Development Greater Elgin Family Care Center, one of Illinois’ largest FQHCs, selected Springboard as the partner that would lead the organization through a rebrand, internal...


  RestorixHealth Overview RestorixHealth is a “private-label” wound care management company.  They compete with category leaders who control over 60% of the market. From competitive and industry need research, we position RestorixHealth as the better option. They...
Amputation Prevention Centers of America

Amputation Prevention Centers of America

  Amputation Prevention Centers of America Situation RestorixHealth came to Springboard with two branding challenges. First, was to  integrate the recently acquired Amputation Prevention Centers of America brand. This caused a decision to either support it as a...