Medical Societies Play a Critical Role in Attracting Students to their Profession

COVERS (Coalition for Optimization of Vascular Surgery Trainees and Students) includes members of four vascular surgery societies:

  • Society for Vascular Surgery
  • Association of Program Directors of Vascular Surgery
  • Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery
  • Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Society

COVERS came to Springboard seeking ways to engage medical students yet to declare their surgical pathway. To better understand our target audience, we began this engagement by conducting a series of focus groups with medical students who had decided and remained undecided on vascular surgery. These groups explored our target audience’s perceptions, misconceptions, motivations, influences, and the best ways to reach medical students with our message.

Based on the input from our focus group participants, COVERS determined that the best vehicle to engage medical students was through the development of a video that allowed students to hear about vascular experiences from their peers.

COVERS Website

The second deliverable was the development of a website dedicated to educating and answering the questions to allow those choosing a surgical career to make the best decision for themselves.

COVERS – Is a coalition of the four major vascular surgery associations aimed at attracting the next generation of medical students to the vascular specialty.


This is just the beginning for COVERS. If your medical society is seeking ways to attract students to your profession, please contact Mike Chapman at