Hospital Branding 

In today’s competitive healthcare landscape, successful hospital and health system marketing must connect with patients, build trust, and drive service line utilization.

Years ago, Springboard developed a tool called the Brand EKG. Still relevant and insightful today, this tool utilizes market research and market share to measure where your brand is and guide future marketing strategies, relative to the competition.

The key measures for the Brand EKG are awareness, preference, and usage. A healthy EKG will show a roughly 20 percentage point gap between awareness and preference and between preference and usage.

Many strategic insights can be gained if your EKG differs significantly from above – for example:

  • If your awareness and preference are even – those who know of you prefer you. Therefore, increasing your awareness should also increase your preference – and, ultimately, usage.
  • If your usage is higher than your preference – people are using you who do not prefer you (likely based on convenience), leaving you vulnerable to new options.

There are many other combinations, and they all tell us valuable insights that can help your hospital or health system compete more strategically. Springboard has been helping healthcare brands tell their stories and win in their markets for over 20 years. Please contact to learn more.


Click on a case study below to see more details regarding hospital branding.

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