Society for Vascular Surgery

Society for Vascular Surgery

Branding:  Member Positioning

Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) consistently ranked “branding” as their #1 strategic initiative. SVS engaged Springboard to “brand” its members, vascular surgeons, with the following key goals:

  1. Increase knowledge of vascular surgeons and comprehensive vascular care/health.
  2. Differentiate and elevate the perception and value of the vascular specialty in the healthcare landscape.

Springboard conducted one-on-one interviews with SVS members, an online consumer survey, and completed a branding workshop to confirm the following key findings:

  • A lack of real knowledge about vascular care and expertise of a vascular surgeon across the healthcare landscape.
  • Confusion over who best treats vascular issues.
  • Misperception that surgery is the only treatment modality of a vascular surgeon.
  • Seen as highly technical; refer for surgery; however, open to a broader collaboration.
  • A vascular surgeon’s comprehensive care is not known but is desired.

Springboard and SVS agreed on the need to shift hospital leadership, referral sources, and consumer perceptions of vascular surgeons to better align with their core competencies.


The result – a new brand position and theme:

The immediate need was to reinforce and reengage referral sources to ensure they understood vascular surgeons’ comprehensive capabilities and value. Springboard developed the SVS Branding Toolkit to put branding communications in SVS members’ hands. This online resource enables members to customize most of the materials with their practice name, logo, and contact information – allowing them to create professional, customized communications in minutes.






SVS Branding Tool Kit

Please contact us to learn more about the branding work we’ve done for SVS and its members, including the ways we gained adoption and usage of these branding tools.