


Population Health Management

The Challenge

Spectrum Administrators, a full-service third-party administrator (TPA), underwent a significant change in its marketing position from a traditional TPA, to a population health management company. As a result of this shift, it sought out a new, more descriptive, name that would more effectively present the company in this capacity to key audiences. Springboard was asked to help the organization develop a name based on key information, highly targeted key audiences, as well as the long-term vision of the leadership team.


To use customer research and a positioning/naming workshops to create a new company name that reflects the capabilities in both “full-service” health population and “informatics”.

Old Logo


New logoPopulytics


Company Brochure

The Populytics company brochure features the new name and identity. This piece highlights service capabilities and outlines employer/employee benefits.


Pull-Up Banner

Branded pull-up banners used for various purposes.


Pull-Up Banner

Business Stationary and Branded Templates