Population Health Management
The Challenge
Spectrum Administrators, a full-service third-party administrator (TPA), underwent a significant change in its marketing position from a traditional TPA, to a population health management company. As a result of this shift, it sought out a new, more descriptive, name that would more effectively present the company in this capacity to key audiences. Springboard was asked to help the organization develop a name based on key information, highly targeted key audiences, as well as the long-term vision of the leadership team.
To use customer research and a positioning/naming workshops to create a new company name that reflects the capabilities in both “full-service” health population and “informatics”.
Old Logo
New logo
Populytics Identity
Using research and information from key audiences and the leadership team, Springboard developed the name “Populytics” and a corresponding identity that reflects capabilities in both population health and analytics.
Company Brochure
The Populytics company brochure features the new name and identity. This piece highlights service capabilities and outlines employer/employee benefits.
Pull-Up Banner
Branded pull-up banners used for various purposes.