Funeral Memorial Information Council


Funeral and Memorial Information Council

“Have the Talk of a Lifetime” Death Care &

Memorialization Consumer Branded Campaign

The Challenge

The Funeral and Memorial Information Council (FAMIC) is an “association of associations” representing all aspects of the funeral industry, from funeral homes and cremation societies to monument builders and casket makers. While historically a “need” vs. “want” industry, major economic and cultural trends have forced FAMIC members to re-think how they do business in order to remain financially and socially viable entities.

The interaction of today’s consumer with funeral industry professionals has changed dramatically. No longer the “automatic” first point of contact at the time of death, the funeral director and other FAMIC members are often brought in just for disposition of the body and “routine” services/procedures. Instead, consumers are turning to the internet for options. Such as, looking for guidance from third-party influencers, including clergy, hospice staff, and hospital/long-term care facility personnel. Facing increasing financial pressure, consumers are also choosing less-expensive after-death options, avoiding costly and often impersonal visitations, funeral services and “memorialization.”

This provides a marketing opportunity for this industry, including:

  • The need to discuss memorialization prior to death is key
  • The “conversation” message is absent in the marketplace
  • No one is better prepared or more knowledgeable than a FAMIC member to guide consumers through the memorialization process



  • Raise awareness of the value of memorialization and the notion that “I Mattered”
  • Encourage consumers to start the conversation about memorialization with loved ones
  • Educate consumers about FAMIC members’ unique knowledge and expertise in the industry
  • Help change public perception, attitudes and behavior toward funerals and memorialization

Funeral Memorial Information Council

Banner Ad – Consumer 

A series of banner ads were developed to drive consumers to “Have the Talk of a Lifetime”, by having them download a brochure from the landing page.

Funeral Memorial Information Council

Print Ad – Co-Brandable

Print ads are available for Funeral and Memorial Information Council members to co-brand. Therefore, they can them run in their local marketplaces to increase consumer engagement and drive people to the “Have the Talk of a Lifetime” website.

Funeral Memorial Information Council

Print Ad – Co-Brandable

Have the Talk of a Lifetime, Co-Brandable Consumer Facing Brochure

Brochure – Co-Brandable

Co-brandable brochure for funeral professionals to distribute, is available for download from banner ads and the “Have the Talk of a Lifetime” website.

Funeral Memorial Information Council


Brochure – Co-Brandable Consumer 

Funeral Memorial Information Council


Landing Page – Consumer 

Funeral Memorial Information Council


Display Ad – Father/Son