How to Pitch a Leadership Marketing Plan & Budget — Lessons from the Shark Tank
You’ll not only need to pitch a leadership marketing plan and budget to the C-suite. Smart marketers will treat C-suite presentations as if they were walking into the “Shark Tank”. They also need to bring the vision and value they would bring to the organization.
If you’re like millions of Americans, you’ve seen the award-winning television show “Shark Tank”. For instance, entrepreneurs have 10 minutes to sell investors on their business ideas. Now transfer that image to the last time you walked into the C-suite, for your annual strategic sales of a marketing plan and budget. According to marketing consultant Rob Rosenberg, president of Springboard Brand & Creative Strategy, Ltd., “It can be a similar experience”. “You have a limited time to give your leadership marketing plan to a skeptical audience who has typically been sitting in a conference room for hours listening to numerous other pitches involving new investments or the request for more resources.”
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